Reforming Western Australia's disability legislation: Have Your Say
Complete and submit this feedback form.
We are interested to know:
Your name:
Your age:
What region of WA are you from:
Whether you are a person with lived experience including:
a person with disability
a family member of a person with disability
a carer of a person with disability
a guardian of a person with disability
Whether you are:
a service provider, behaviour support practitioner or sole provider
an advocacy, peak or representative group
If so, what is the name of your service provider/advocacy group etc.
Whether you are:
a state or local government organisation or representative
another interested individual, representative or organisation
1. Do you think the current definition of ‘disability’ in the Disability Services Act 1993 (DS Act) adequately covers all types of disability? Why? If not, how would you change or improve the definition?
2. Would you change the current Principles in the DS Act, including adding new Principles or excluding current ones? Why?
3. Do you think we should continue to have Principles or rework them into a Disability Inclusion Charter (see 3.4 of the Consultation Paper)? Why?
4. What safeguarding mechanisms do you think would protect people with disability from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation?
5. As one aspect of safeguarding, how can complaint mechanisms be made easier to use for those persons with disability receiving State services?
6. Is the offence of ill-treatment of people with disability important to you? Why?
7. Should State legislation make provision for an offence of ill-treatment of people with disability by a carer or service provider? Please give reasons for your answer.
8. What do you think should be included in WA disability legislation to promote inclusion and social participation of people with disability?
9. The DS Act currently provides for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability – is the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability an effective tool for letting the Minister for Disability Services hear the voices of people with disability? How can this be improved?
10. How can WA disability legislation ensure the views of the community, particularly those with lived experience, are shared with WA Government?
11. What roles should the WA Government and the Department of Communities continue to have in the disability sector? Why?
12. Would you change the current Objectives in the DS Act, including adding new Objectives or excluding current ones? Why?
COMMENTS. If you have any other comments, suggestions, concerns, or thoughts about this, please let us know:
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